Saturday, December 12, 2009

Why do humans read ?

----------Words are powerful tools that can penetrate deep into one's soul and emotions. It is so powerful that even the writers are afraid of them. It can solve disputes but at the same time, create chaos and destruction in the society. Thus, writers around the world have put together pages and pages of printed words in books to convey their messages, ideas and imagination. With the availability of bookstores just around the corner of every neighborhood, youth and adults have the opportunity to stop by anytime to grab or buy a book for reading. Until today, reading has been the most popular pastime activities for youth, adults and even the older generation. Reading books improves our vocabulary bank, increases our knowledge on moral values and facts about the world, improve the nation and our language (This essay will talk about effects of reading).
----------Reading improves our vocabulary bank and language. There are various genres of books with diverse topics ranging from romance, horror, crime, thriller and others. These different genres offers different writing styles, good grammar usage and structures. For instance, romance books are much more detailed and complicated in explaining a situation involving emotions and feelings while horror books prove to be better in describing the detailed settings of a haunted scene. Furthermore, reading variety of genres of books widens our vocabulary and language usage as we tend to pick up interesting sentences and look up for difficult words in the dictionary. As a result, we are able to enhance our vocabulary bank. Hence, reading definitely helps our vocabulary bank to evolve to a higher standard.
----------Another benefits of reading is, it increases our knowledge on moral values and facts about the world. Non-fiction books on environment and current global issues help us to comprehend the devastating state of our world that has been polluted by chemicals and toxins from human activities. Besides environmental issues, there are also books concerning governmental organizations, biography of prestigious leaders and the latest technology on the road. These books contain facts about our physical and social world. Unlike non-fiction books, fiction books carve a deep impression in the reader's heart with profound moral values. Readers can utilize these moral values and adapt the lessons they have learned into their real lives. Reading never fails to leave good impression the hearts of every reader. Therefore, reading should be made a child's career because it increases our knowledge on moral values and crucial facts about the world.
----------On the other hand, reading improves the nation itself. If reading habit is instilled in children at a younger age, they will develop affections towards reading for years to come. As a result, it will increase the literacy rate in the country as majority citizens able to read. Economically, there will be drastic increase in book sales and publishing house with the ever increasing demand for more books. As more books are becoming available throughout, the tax on the imported books will greatly contribute to the government's revenue. Moreover, frequent reading will increase the concept of critical thinking and decision making which are vital in the competing society today. With the abundant benefits obtained solely from reading, it is no doubt that reading improves the nation.
----------In a nutshell, reading influences our lives by shaping it towards a better future. William Faulkner once said, "Read, read, read." Reading is enjoyable. At the end of the day, those who are not able to read will be outcast from the society because the greatest gift in life it the passion for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Ada2 je....looks like u reli noticed huh whn I told u 2 go write an Academic Writing essay =p
