Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Eve

Picture by Naduss

Guys, it's Valentine Eve today. I bet, most of the guys are already out there, on the street holding hands with their loved ones. For those waiting to celebrate it tomorrow, good luck with the malls and restaurants. It's time to take and receive.

2. Treat your loved ones to a lovely and romantic dinner. That's what a guy would normally do. However, breakfast or lunch ain't that bad at all. In the end, you'll earn something. Love. I sincerely hope that every couple (no gender bias) will truly enjoy this special day. Let it not be only on Valentine, but every other days as well.

3. Sometimes, love is what we need to move on, to rise and fight against injustice. It is a special feeling that engulfs your heart, just like the 'fire of love'. However, beware of its flame. It is soothing when days are cold. At the same time, it could burn you and leave a scar in your heart for the rest of your lives.

4. Once again, Happy Valentine and I wish all the couples a lasting love and happiness.

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