Thursday, May 26, 2011

Letting Go

It's a miracle how people can let go of things they fond of - be it a relationship or things they really treasure. How life can be so ironic when they actually fell in love at first sight; and tomorrow it turns sour.
What could be the catalyst?
What is the reason behind the shift of events?
Nobody actually knows.
There could be millions of reasons behind a single event. Perhaps, it just happens to be a coincidence. Perhaps, it is the nature of human being. Or perhaps, it is fate.
The illogical sense of humanity just do not fit in the picture anymore.
What the reality brings is not about the truth but the feelings. "Within a soul, what matters is how you feel for them and not how they feel for you." As much as we are denying this fact, it slowly finds it way into the 'truth' for humanity. Contradicting but to be exact, it just happens.
People always say that, "Life is about letting go." But what is there to let go, when you already let go in the first place. There is no meaning to the phrase. If it is that easy to let go, then you can see how meaningless it could be. In fact, letting go is the hardest things in life. No matter how much I hold back, tears will always be there.


  1. I really like this post! I am reading a book "The Secret of Letting Go"! Can you follow me?? Thanks Linda

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  3. i would say, dont let go, but go with the flow :)

  4. AlmostlovelydisasterJune 5, 2011 at 11:16 PM

    I like this blog, very realistic and true.

  5. I don't like this. I think your inspired but this makes no sense. So what after all these posts? You need to stop this and go start to work.

  6. Dear Ocean Freight,
    You are free to leave comments. But you have no right to ask me to stop writing things. =)

  7. Hey, I think you and me have a very similar way of looking at things, you write in a stream of consciousness, you sit down and let the words come out. If you go past my daily posts and into my archives, (which you can find at the bottom of my blog), and read my stuff I think You'll find some similarities, I am now a follower!

    My blog is:

  8. nice blog man!

    Cheers from Brazil!

  9. hey, very nice blog! (:
    this is interesting!

    keep ya going!

  10. Yap i agree to the last part of the message.. Even when i tell myself to let go, the past will cme bck to hunt and remind me what i once had n lost..


  11. If you refuse to let go a wall is created which blocks any new possibilities. If you just let emotion flow through you without hindrance you suffer sorrow and celebrate joy as they flow through, and move on. Never forget joy or refuse it entry because of an earlier sorrow. Everything changes and everything stays the same. We are all one.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. nice,its very difficult to let go but time itself has a way of easing the process.

  14. Letting go is the door to freedom. dont give up.

  15. I think it is human nature. It takes work to stay committed to things.

  16. WoW! Great post.. super agree with this one.=0

  17. "What matters is how you feel about them."

    This sounds really selfish, but necessary and true. It is hard to accept when you are younger.

  18. Ugh its so hard to let go sometimes.. :(
    +followed by

  19. LOVE your blog - how do I follow??

  20. In this day and age people are all about getting gratification and moving on to other fertile grounds. No one wants to accountable anymore and too many people are getting involved in relationships before they even know anything about the individual. Get involved and ask questions later, it does not work and it causes a lot or heart ache and problems.

  21. Hey! I enjoyed this so much I used as a reference on my blog. I like to give credit, where credit is deserved. I hope you take time to read mine.

    Thank you
    Julia S Gutierrez

  22. i agree with letting go is the hardest thing in life.the person whom i am fond of,may not hav the same feel as mi.but,becos i really did love her,i dun want her to feel trouble n disturb,i hav to learn to let go.
    sometimes life is jus like that.but i do rmb her forever.she will alway b the best.

  23. "It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them." Paulo Coelho

  24. hey kok hee. i really agree with you. it's so easy for your partner to say "you have to let go", but it's really hard no matter how much and how hard we tried. and it hurts a lot, to think that, that particular person easily moved on and let go. it just tell you how much you mean to that someone, and how much the person feel for you, which is very little.

  25. Nicely put, short and sweet, and very true...

  26. It's good to see that realism is so simple... wonder why most people don't pay attention to it...

  27. the human mind wants to achieve goals ,some are primary and some are secondary,if the mind is told through various happenings and events that that particular goal cannot be achieved he gets depressed but then his attention shifts and so does his goal this is how people let go of things!

  28. nicely put. i almost 'let go' 21 years ago. very difficult indeed.

  29. You won't appreciate letting go because you're still in pain but when the time comes that the hurt is gone, you will free a sense of freedom and you will appreciate the meaning of letting go.

  30. wow that's so deep I love your philosophy on things

  31. I like your blog. Really nice and touching. It really takes a while for me to let go of people close to me who have gone away and the things that they left.

  32. new to this. Was just reading your blog. and from a person who thinks just as deeply as you do. Nice work.

  33. Nice article. You are on a whole new level of thinking.

  34. letting go of things is not forgetting them. you will still have tears at times. these tears are normal actions of the hurt you've obtained during the situation. the smile and releif you have is when you complete that action of letting go. so let go live and breathe.

  35. the above anonymous for December 2 is me. Sheila. I wanted to add every day it will get easier to adjust. we're all human with the ability to feel pain. I rather be hurt and shed a few tears over the situation than to have a hard core heart and be numb to everything in life. now that's what i would call NOT letting go....Sheila

  36. soulful post dear!..Rohit nods his head in agreement..attachment is indeed painful,The world seems so full of futility.

  37. I like your profound statements about letting go, but it also seems that emotions still equal hurt! The pain represents two sides, one, the side that says I truly loved what I had, but the other, and most important side, that says, "I have learned from this nagging pain that hampers me because of what this relationship has done. I will never experience this again....When YOU know better, you DO better!" Come check out my other philosophies at Relationships are my specialty!
    H. Williams, MBA

  38. Hello there, simply become alert to your weblog thru Google, and fosbobetund that it’s really informative. I’m gonna watch out for brussels

  39. So, very true, there is not really any letting go, it is a matter of just moving on....

  40. Superb...

  41. you speak the truth, which i love. We have to let go because we grow up, move on or grow out of certain people, letting go is about growing up and a part of life.


  42. I just read your Post on letting go , it is awesome. I really liked it!
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  44. That was a thoughtful post. How are you feeling about letting go today?

  45. Marvelous…..

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  47. Jesus Cristo ressuscitou.. Glórias a Deus Aleluia, com ele. .passamos da morte para a Vida.
    Alegremo-nos, pois estávamos mortos e revivemos com Cristo Jesus.

    A maior das dádivas de Deus para nós, este presente não poderíamos e não podemos comprar se não for ofertado por Deus. Hoje temos apenas que agradecer ao Senhor. Por tamanha oferta, tamanho Amor.

    Evangelho de Lucas cap.24

    36 E falando eles destas coisas, o mesmo Jesus se apresentou no meio deles, e disse-lhes: Paz seja convosco.
    37 E eles, espantados e atemorizados, pensavam que viam algum espírito.

    38 E ele lhes disse: Por que estais perturbados, e por que sobem tais pensamentos aos vossos corações?
    39 Vede as minhas mãos e os meus pés, que sou eu mesmo; apalpai-me e vede, pois um espírito não tem carne nem ossos, como vedes que eu tenho.
    40 E, dizendo isto, mostrou-lhes as mãos e os pés.

    41 E, não o crendo eles ainda por causa da alegria, e estando maravilhados, disse-lhes: Tendes aqui alguma coisa que comer?
    42 Então eles apresentaram-lhe parte de um peixe assado, e um favo de mel;
    43 O que ele tomou, e comeu diante deles.

    44 E disse-lhes: São estas as palavras que vos disse estando ainda convosco: Que convinha que se cumprisse tudo o que de mim estava escrito na lei de Moisés, e nos profetas e nos Salmos.

    45 Então abriu-lhes o entendimento para compreenderem as Escrituras.

    46 E disse-lhes: Assim está escrito, e assim convinha que o Cristo padecesse, e ao terceiro dia ressuscitasse dentre os mortos,

    47 E em seu nome se pregasse o arrependimento e a remissão dos pecados, em todas as nações, começando por Jerusalém.

    48 E destas coisas sois vós testemunhas.
    49 E eis que sobre vós envio a promessa de meu Pai; ficai, porém, na cidade de Jerusalém, até que do alto sejais revestidos de poder.

    50 E levou-os fora, até Betânia; e, levantando as suas mãos, os abençoou.
    51 E aconteceu que, abençoando-os ele, se apartou deles e foi elevado ao céu.

    52 E, adorando-o eles, tornaram com grande júbilo para Jerusalém.
    53 E estavam sempre no templo, louvando e bendizendo a Deus. Amém.

    Revivemos com Cristo.
    O Amor de Deus manifestou-se entre nós, Glórias a Deus. Aleluias.

  48. Good information...

  49. Im not fond of it. But still welcoming it.

  50. Brilliant stuff!

  51. good post…

  52. karma kandy my fruity loops. welcome to the new world, homosupersapien. we are alive and well are we not?

  53. We let go and move on because often it is less painful than remaining where we are.

  54. Humans are very self serving creatures. So they do what helps them the most. Humans focus on only 2 things, the avoidance of pain, or the pursuit of pleasure.

    Everything decision you make can be traced back to these 2 things.

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  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Letting go is tough...If I can master that I think I will be in good shape, but man it is so hard to do. Thanks for your thoughts.

  59. Letting go helps us to learn that some things aren't really for us and holding on is meaningless.

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  63. I agreed with you NavyBoy89. Our focus on becoming rich, succeed, & to have a luxurious lifestyle. Human tends to forget & take things for granted, that is significant in our lives- love ones, family, & friends.

    Why this happened? Ever heard of this phrase- World is ever changing so, as human being. Isn't it for a better change?

    I guess we should give priorities, & balance our lives well.

    I personally feel that both man & woman, should respect, appreciate more, & love more. Never let! any nasty feelings, or third parties; to come in between.

    The key is to communicate, understand, keep an open mind & self discipline.

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